Xun xiao 10 hole Chinese bamboo flute

The Xun Xiao 10 Hole Chinese Bamboo Flute is a traditional Chinese musical instrument that has been played for centuries. It is one of the oldest wind instruments in China and has been used in various traditional ceremonies and performances.

History of Xun Xiao

The Xun Xiao 10 Hole Chinese Bamboo Flute dates back to the Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) and has been an integral part of Chinese music ever since. It was originally made from clay, but later, bamboo became the preferred material for the Xun Xiao. The instrument is known for its unique shape and beautiful sound.

Design and Construction

The Xun Xiao 10 Hole Chinese Bamboo Flute is made of bamboo and has 10 holes on the top of the instrument. The holes are covered and uncovered by the player’s fingers to produce different notes and sounds. The bamboo material used for the Xun Xiao is carefully selected to ensure that the instrument produces a clear and resonant sound.

The design of the Xun Xiao has been refined over centuries to produce an instrument that is both beautiful and functional. The instrument is usually around 30 cm in length and has a diameter of around 6 cm. It has a cylindrical body that tapers off at the end, giving it a unique look and feel.

Playing the Xun Xiao

Playing the Xun Xiao 10 Hole Chinese Bamboo Flute requires a lot of skill and practice. The player must use their breath to produce a sound from the instrument and use their fingers to cover and uncover the holes to produce different notes. The Xun Xiao is known for its delicate and gentle tone, making it a popular instrument for traditional Chinese music.

The Xun Xiao is often used in ensembles with other traditional Chinese instruments such as the Guqin, Erhu, and Pipa. The instrument is also used in solo performances and is a popular choice for musicians who want to explore the rich history and culture of China.

Buying a Xun Xiao

If you are interested in buying a Xun Xiao 10 Hole Chinese Bamboo Flute, there are several things to consider. First, you should ensure that you are buying an instrument made from high-quality bamboo that has been carefully selected for its sound quality. You should also look for a reputable seller who can provide you with information on the instrument’s history and construction.

When buying a Xun Xiao, you should also consider the size and key of the instrument. The Xun Xiao comes in different sizes and keys, so it’s important to choose one that is right for your needs and playing style.


The Xun Xiao 10 Hole Chinese Bamboo Flute is a beautiful and unique instrument that has been played for centuries. Its delicate and gentle tone has made it a popular choice for traditional Chinese music, and it continues to inspire musicians around the world today. If you are interested in exploring the rich history and culture of China through music, the Xun Xiao is an excellent instrument to start with.