shakuhachi, Japanese 6 hole bamboo flute

The Japanese 6 hole bamboo flute, also known as the shakuhachi, is a traditional Japanese musical instrument that has been around for centuries. It is made from bamboo and is about 1.8 feet long. The shakuhachi has a unique sound that is often associated with meditation and relaxation. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history and features of the Japanese 6 hole bamboo flute.

History of the Shakuhachi

The shakuhachi has a rich history that dates back to the 8th century. It was originally used by Buddhist monks for meditation and religious ceremonies. In the 16th century, the shakuhachi was introduced to the samurai class and was used as a tool for self-discipline and training. The shakuhachi was also used by the Komuso, a group of Zen Buddhist monks who wandered the countryside playing music for food and lodging.

Features of the Shakuhachi

The shakuhachi is a simple instrument with only six finger holes. However, it is capable of producing a wide range of sounds. The shakuhachi has a unique sound that is often described as haunting or ethereal. It is capable of producing a wide range of tones, from the low, deep tones of the lower register to the high, piercing tones of the upper register.

The shakuhachi is made from a single piece of bamboo that is carefully selected and seasoned. The instrument is crafted using traditional techniques that have been passed down for centuries. The bamboo is hollowed out using a special tool called a uchidashi. The holes are then drilled and the instrument is sanded and polished to perfection.

Playing the Shakuhachi

Playing the shakuhachi requires a great deal of skill and practice. It is played by blowing into the mouthpiece and using the fingers to cover and uncover the finger holes. The player must control their breath and use a technique called “meri” to produce the different tones. Meri is a technique where the player partially covers a finger hole to produce a lower tone.

The shakuhachi is often used in traditional Japanese music, but it has also been used in modern music. The instrument has been used in jazz, rock, and even hip-hop music. The shakuhachi has a unique sound that can add a distinctive flair to any type of music.


The Japanese 6 hole bamboo flute, or shakuhachi, is a beautiful and unique instrument with a rich history. It has been used for centuries by Buddhist monks, samurai, and musicians. The shakuhachi is capable of producing a wide range of tones and has a haunting, ethereal sound. Playing the shakuhachi requires a great deal of skill and practice, but it is a rewarding experience that can add a distinctive flair to any type of music.