Price of flute in the Solomon Islands, how much does it cost?

The Solomon Islands is an archipelago country located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is known for its rich culture, stunning beaches, and diverse flora and fauna. Music is an essential part of Solomon Islander culture, and one of the popular musical instruments in the country is the flute. In this article, we will discuss the price of the flute in the Solomon Islands and the factors that affect its price.

Overview of Flutes in the Solomon Islands

Flutes are wind instruments that are played by blowing air into a tube. They are made from various materials, including wood, metal, and plastic. In the Solomon Islands, the flute is usually made from bamboo, a material that is abundant in the country. Flutes come in different sizes and shapes, and they are played in various events, such as weddings, funerals, and cultural festivals.

See also: Price of flute in Slovenia

Price Range of Flutes in the Solomon Islands

The price of a flute in the Solomon Islands varies depending on several factors, including the material used to make the flute, the size of the flute, and the skill of the maker. Typically, a basic bamboo flute can be bought for around SBD 50 (USD 6), while a more advanced one can cost up to SBD 200 (USD 24). A metal flute will cost within the range of SBD 2,000 to SBD 20,000 (USD 240 to USD 2,500).

Factors Affecting the Price of Flutes in the Solomon Islands


The material used to make the flute plays a significant role in determining its price. Flutes made from bamboo, which is readily available in the country, are generally cheaper than those made from other materials such as wood or metal. However, some flutes made from special types of bamboo or other materials can be more expensive.

Size and Complexity

The size and complexity of the flute also affect its price. A basic, small-sized flute will be cheaper than a larger, more complex one. Additionally, flutes with intricate designs or decorations may cost more due to the time and effort required to create them.

Maker’s Skill

The skill and experience of the flute maker also play a role in determining the price of the instrument. Flutes made by highly skilled craftsmen who have been making instruments for many years may command a higher price than those made by less experienced makers.

Where to Buy Flutes in the Solomon Islands

Flutes can be purchased from various sources in the Solomon Islands, including music stores, markets, and individual flute makers. Some music stores in Honiara, the capital city, stock flutes, while markets in other parts of the country may have a few flutes for sale. Individual flute makers can be found in various communities across the country, and they often sell their instruments from their homes or workshops.


The price of the flute in the Solomon Islands varies depending on several factors, including the material used to make the flute, the size of the flute, and the skill of the maker. Despite these differences, flutes are generally affordable in the Solomon Islands, and they remain an integral part of the country’s rich musical heritage. Whether you are a music enthusiast or a traveler looking for a unique souvenir, buying a flute in the Solomon Islands is an excellent way to experience the country’s culture and support its local artisans.

Price of flute in the Solomon Islands