Price of flute in Kiribati, how much does it cost?

If you are planning to buy a flute in Kiribati, it is essential to know the current market price of the instrument. The cost of a flute can vary depending on different factors such as the material, brand, and quality of the flute. In this article, we will explore the price of flute in Kiribati and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed purchase decision.


Kiribati is a beautiful island country located in the central Pacific Ocean. The country comprises 33 coral atolls and is known for its unique culture and traditions. Music plays a significant role in Kiribati’s culture, and the traditional musical instruments of the country are widely used in different occasions and events. The flute is one of the most popular musical instruments in Kiribati, and it is used in both traditional and contemporary music.

The Price of Flute in Kiribati

The price of a flute in Kiribati can vary depending on various factors. Generally, the cost of a flute in Kiribati ranges from 20 to 150 Kiribati dollars. When converted to USD, the price ranges from approximately $16 to $120. The price of the flute can vary depending on the material, quality, and brand of the instrument.

Factors Affecting the Price of Flute in Kiribati

The following factors can affect the price of a flute in Kiribati:


The material used to make the flute can significantly affect its price. Flutes can be made from various materials such as wood, bamboo, metal, and plastic. Flutes made of high-quality wood or metal are usually more expensive than those made of bamboo or plastic.


The quality of the flute can also affect its price. Flutes made of high-quality materials and with excellent craftsmanship are usually more expensive than those made of lower quality materials.


The brand of the flute can also affect its price. Popular brands are usually more expensive than lesser-known brands.

Where to Buy a Flute in Kiribati

If you are looking to buy a flute in Kiribati, there are various places where you can find them. Music stores and instrument shops are the most common places to find flutes in Kiribati. You can also check online marketplaces or classified ads to find sellers who offer flutes.

Music Stores and Instrument Shops

There are several music stores and instrument shops in Kiribati where you can find a variety of flutes. These stores usually offer different types of flutes, from beginner to professional level. You can visit these stores to try out different flutes and choose the one that suits your needs.

Online Marketplaces and Classified Ads

Online marketplaces and classified ads can also be a great way to find sellers who offer flutes. You can browse through different listings and compare prices and features to find the best deal. However, it is essential to be cautious when buying from online sellers and make sure to verify their reputation and authenticity.


In conclusion, the price of a flute in Kiribati can vary depending on various factors such as material, quality, and brand. The cost of a flute in Kiribati ranges from 20 to 150 Kiribati dollars, which is approximately $16 to $120 when converted to USD.