Price of flute in Chile, how much does it cost?

Chile, a country located in South America, is known for its rich cultural heritage and music. The country has a diverse music scene, with different styles of music, including folk, classical, and modern genres. One of the popular musical instruments in Chile is the flute, which is used in various styles of music. In this article, we will explore the price of the flute in Chile, its different types, and where to buy them.

The Price of Flute in Chile

The price of the flute in Chile varies depending on several factors, including the type, quality, and brand. The average price of a beginner’s flute in Chile is around 100,000 Chilean pesos, which is equivalent to approximately 130 USD. However, the price can go up to 2 million Chilean pesos, which is around 2,600 USD for a high-end professional flute.

Types of Flute in Chile

There are different types of flute in Chile, including the traditional bamboo flute, the metal flute, and the piccolo. The traditional bamboo flute is a simple, yet versatile instrument that is widely used in folk music. The metal flute, on the other hand, is a more modern instrument, commonly used in classical and modern music. The piccolo, which is a smaller version of the metal flute, is also used in classical music.

Bamboo Flute

The bamboo flute is the most traditional type of flute in Chile. It is made of bamboo and is widely used in traditional music. The price of a bamboo flute in Chile ranges from 10,000 Chilean pesos, which is approximately 13 USD, to 50,000 Chilean pesos, which is around 65 USD, depending on the quality and brand.

Metal Flute

The metal flute is a more modern type of flute commonly used in classical and modern music. It is made of metal, usually silver, and has a more complex design than the bamboo flute. The price of a metal flute in Chile varies from 100,000 Chilean pesos, which is around 130 USD for a beginner’s flute, to 2 million Chilean pesos, which is approximately 2,600 USD for a high-end professional flute.


The piccolo is a smaller version of the metal flute and is commonly used in classical music. It is also made of metal, usually silver, and has a higher pitch than the metal flute. The price of a piccolo in Chile ranges from 200,000 Chilean pesos, which is around 260 USD for a beginner’s piccolo, to 1 million Chilean pesos, which is approximately 1,300 USD for a professional piccolo.

Where to Buy Flutes in Chile

There are several places where you can buy flutes in Chile, including music stores, online stores, and individual sellers. Music stores, such as Casa Amarilla and Casa de la Musica, offer a wide range of flutes, including different types, brands, and prices. Online stores, such as Mercado Libre and Chile Musica, also offer a variety of flutes, with the advantage of being able to compare prices and read reviews from previous buyers. Individual sellers, who can be found on social media or online marketplaces, offer second-hand flutes at lower prices.