How to Play B Natural on Flute: Fingering and trill chart for low and high octaves

Are you a beginner flute player struggling to play the B natural note on your flute? Playing the B natural note can be challenging, but with the right techniques and practice, it can be mastered. In this guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to play the B natural note on your flute, along with some helpful tips to improve your flute playing skills.

Low B and High B Natural Flute Fingering Chart

how to play b natural on flute

Using a flute finger chart can be a helpful tool for beginners to learn and master the different notes on the flute. The fingering chart provides a visual representation of the fingerings for each note, making it easier to understand and learn.

Playing the flute requires the use of proper fingerings to produce the desired notes. The B natural note is one of the simple challenging notes for beginner flute players to play. This note is essential in playing several pieces of music and scales and mastering it is necessary to develop your overall flute playing skills.

How To Play B Natural on Flute: Finger Placement

The B natural note is produced by closing the key meant for the left-hand first finger while covering the right-hand little finger. The thumb of the left hand will also cover the B key at the rear side of the flute keys. This note is a whole step below the A natural note and a whole step above the C natural note. To play the B natural note, you need to have a clear understanding of the basic fingerings on the flute.

Tips to Improve Your Flute Playing Skills To improve your flute playing skills, consider the following tips:

  1. Practice regularly to improve your muscle memory and finger coordination.
  2. Start with low notes and gradually work your way up to higher notes to build your confidence.
  3. Use a metronome to practice playing at different tempos.
  4. Experiment with different styles of music to expand your repertoire.
  5. Join a music group or take lessons from a professional to improve your skills and learn from experienced musicians.


  1. What is the difference between a B flat scale and A flat major scale? A: The B flat scale is a series of notes starting from the B flat note, while the A flat major scale is a series of notes with an A flat note.
  2. Can I use the same fingerings on a recorder to play B natural? A: No, the fingerings for the recorder are different from those of the flute. However, the recorder notes can help you understand the basic fingerings of the flute.
  3. Is it necessary to learn the B natural note on the recorder? A: Yes, it is necessary to learn the B natural note on the recorder. However, learning to play the recorder can help improve your overall understanding of music theory and basic fingerings.

Playing the B natural note on the flute can be challenging, but with the right techniques and regular practice, it can be mastered. As a beginner flute player, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the basic fingerings on the flute, which can be learned through the use of a flute finger chart. Remember to practice regularly and experiment with different styles of music to improve your skills and expand your repertoire. By following the steps and tips provided in this guide, you can master the B natural note on your flute and improve your overall flute playing skills.

In conclusion, mastering the B natural note on the flute is an essential step in becoming a proficient flute player. It may seem challenging at first, but with regular practice and dedication, you can master this note and improve your overall flute playing skills. Remember to use a flute finger chart, follow the steps provided, and utilize the tips given to help you achieve your goals. With patience, hard work, and determination, you can become a skilled flute player and enjoy the beauty of music.

how to play b natural on flute