How to play and practice an Indian bamboo flute

Playing an Indian bamboo flute, also known as a bansuri, can be a beautiful and relaxing experience. It is a popular instrument in Indian classical music and has been used for centuries. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step approach to learning how to play the bansuri.

Choosing the Right Flute

Before you can start playing the bansuri, you need to choose the right flute. Flutes come in different sizes and are made of different materials. The key to choosing the right flute is to find one that is comfortable to hold and play.

The most commonly used material for bansuri flutes is bamboo. Bamboo flutes are lightweight, and durable, and produce a warm, sweet tone. However, you can also find flutes made of wood, plastic, and metal.

When choosing a bansuri flute, you should consider the following:

  • The key: Bansuri flutes are available in different keys, and each key produces a different sound. The most common key is the C flute, but you can also find flutes in G, Bb, and other keys.
  • The length: The length of the flute determines the pitch of the sound it produces. Longer flutes produce lower notes, while shorter flutes produce higher notes.
  • The number of holes: Bansuri flutes have six or seven finger holes, depending on the type of flute. More holes allow you to play a wider range of notes.
  • The embouchure hole: This is the hole where you blow into the flute. The size and shape of the embouchure hole can have an impact on the sound of the flute.

Once you have chosen your flute, it is time to start playing.

See also: How to play the Japanese bamboo flute

How to play and practice an Indian bamboo flute

Getting Started

Before you start playing, you need to learn how to hold the flute correctly.

  1. Hold the flute with your left hand at the top and your right hand at the bottom.
  2. Place your left thumb on the back of the flute, and your left index finger on the front of the flute, covering the first hole.
  3. Place your right thumb on the back of the flute, and your right index finger on the front of the flute, covering the last hole.
  4. The remaining holes are covered by your other fingers.

Now that you know how to hold the flute, it is time to start playing.

Playing the Bansuri

To play the bansuri, you need to learn how to blow into the flute and how to cover and uncover the holes.

  1. Take a deep breath and blow into the embouchure hole. The sound you produce will depend on the length of the flute and the key it is in.
  2. Cover the first hole with your left index finger and blow into the flute again. The note will be higher than the first note.
  3. Cover the first two holes with your left index and middle finger and blow into the flute. The note will be higher than the second note.
  4. Continue covering and uncovering holes with your fingers to produce different notes.

Learning Indian Classical Music

If you want to take your bansuri playing to the next level, you can learn Indian classical music. Indian classical music has a rich tradition of using the bansuri, and there are many resources available for learning this art.

To learn Indian classical music, you need to learn the different ragas, which are melodic frameworks for improvisation and composition. You also need to learn about tala, which is the rhythmic cycle used in Indian classical music.

There are many online resources and classes available for learning Indian classical music. You can also find teachers who specialize in teaching bansuri.


Playing the bansuri can be a fulfilling and relaxing experience. With the right flute and some practice, you can produce beautiful music and explore the rich tradition of Indian classical music. Remember to start with the basics, learn how to hold the flute and produce different notes, and then explore the world of Indian classical music.