Chinese bamboo flute professional committee

The Chinese bamboo flute, also known as the dizi, is a traditional Chinese wind instrument that has been played for over 9,000 years. It is made from bamboo and is considered to be one of the oldest and simplest instruments in the world. The bamboo flute has a unique sound that is different from any other wind instrument, and it has been used in a variety of traditional Chinese music, from folk songs to opera.

The Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee is a governing body that oversees the production and distribution of bamboo flutes in China. It is a non-profit organization that was established in 1984, and its main goal is to promote the art and culture of the bamboo flute.

The Role of the Committee

The Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee is responsible for a number of tasks related to the bamboo flute. One of its main roles is to oversee the production of bamboo flutes in China, ensuring that they are made to a high standard of quality. This involves setting standards for the production of bamboo flutes, as well as monitoring and regulating the industry to ensure that these standards are met.

The committee is also responsible for promoting the art and culture of the bamboo flute. It does this by organizing events and concerts, as well as providing education and training to those who are interested in learning more about the bamboo flute. The committee also works to preserve and promote traditional Chinese music that is played on the bamboo flute, and it encourages the development of new music that incorporates the bamboo flute.

Chinese bamboo flute professional committee

The History of the Committee

The Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee was established in 1984, and it has been working to promote the bamboo flute ever since. Over the years, the committee has played a key role in the development of the bamboo flute industry in China. It has helped to improve the quality of bamboo flutes produced in China, and it has worked to promote the instrument both domestically and internationally.

One of the committee’s most notable achievements was the establishment of the China Bamboo Flute Festival, which is held every three years in different cities throughout China. This festival is the largest bamboo flute event in the world, and it attracts thousands of participants and visitors from around the globe.

See also: Bamboo flute in Malaysia

The Importance of the Committee

The Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee plays an important role in the world of music. It is responsible for promoting and preserving the art and culture of the bamboo flute, and it has helped to ensure that high-quality bamboo flutes are produced in China. The committee also provides education and training to those who are interested in learning more about the bamboo flute, and it helps to promote the instrument both domestically and internationally.

In addition to its cultural significance, the bamboo flute has also been recognized for its therapeutic benefits. Studies have shown that playing the bamboo flute can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and it can even improve respiratory function. The Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee has helped to promote these benefits, and it has worked to ensure that the bamboo flute remains an important part of Chinese culture.


The Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee is a vital organization that plays an important role in the world of music. Its efforts to promote and preserve the art and culture of the bamboo flute have helped to ensure that this ancient instrument continues to be played and appreciated by people around the globe. Through its work, the committee has helped to promote high-quality bamboo flutes, educate and train those who are interested in the instrument, and provide a platform for the development of new music that incorporates the bamboo flute. The future of the bamboo flute is bright, thanks in no small part to the efforts of the Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee.