Chinese bamboo flute notes

The Chinese bamboo flute, also known as the dizi, is a traditional Chinese musical instrument made of bamboo. It is a popular instrument in Chinese music and has been used for thousands of years. The dizi produces a unique sound that is soothing and relaxing, and it has been used in many traditional Chinese music pieces. In this article, we will explore the different Chinese bamboo flute notes and how they are played.

Types of Chinese Bamboo Flute

The Chinese bamboo flute comes in different sizes and types. The most common ones are the di, xiao, and bangdi. The di is the most popular type of dizi and is used in most Chinese music pieces. The xiao is larger than the di and produces a deeper sound. The bangdi is smaller than the di and is used in folk music.

Chinese bamboo flute notes

See also: Chinese bamboo flute professional committee

Chinese Bamboo Flute Notes

There are several Chinese bamboo flute notes that can be played on the dizi. The notes are produced by covering different holes on the dizi with the fingers. The notes are as follows:

  • C: The first note is the C note, which is produced by covering all the holes on the dizi with the fingers. This produces a low and deep sound.
  • D: The second note is the D note, which is produced by opening the first hole and covering the rest. This produces a higher pitched sound than the C note.
  • E: The third note is the E note, which is produced by opening the first two holes and covering the rest. This produces a higher pitched sound than the D note.
  • F: The fourth note is the F note, which is produced by opening the first three holes and covering the rest. This produces a higher pitched sound than the E note.
  • G: The fifth note is the G note, which is produced by opening the first four holes and covering the rest. This produces a higher pitched sound than the F note.
  • A: The sixth note is the A note, which is produced by opening the first five holes and covering the rest. This produces a higher pitched sound than the G note.
  • B: The seventh note is the B note, which is produced by opening all the holes on the dizi. This produces the highest pitched sound of all the notes.

How to Play Chinese Bamboo Flute

Playing the Chinese bamboo flute requires a lot of practice and patience. To play the dizi, you need to hold it horizontally with both hands. The left hand is used to cover the holes on the dizi, while the right hand is used to hold the dizi and blow into it.

To produce a sound, you need to blow into the mouthpiece of the dizi using a technique called “doubling.” This involves blowing a small amount of air into the dizi and then quickly blowing more air to produce a continuous sound.

To play different notes on the dizi, you need to cover or uncover different holes on the dizi with your fingers. This requires a lot of practice and coordination.


The Chinese bamboo flute is a beautiful and unique musical instrument that has been used for thousands of years in Chinese music. It produces a soothing and relaxing sound that is perfect for meditation and relaxation. The different Chinese bamboo flute notes can be played by covering or uncovering different holes on the dizi with the fingers. Playing the dizi requires a lot of practice and patience, but it is a rewarding experience that can bring joy and peace to your life.