A-Sharp (A#) minor scale on flute: natural, melodic, and harmonic scales with arpeggios notes

A-sharp (A#) natural minor scale on the flute

The A-sharp (A#) minor scale on flute has its tonic on A-sharp. It also has the pitches A-sharp, B-sharp, C-sharp, D-sharp, E-sharp, F-sharp, and G-sharp. The key signature of this scale has seven sharps. The A-sharp minor scale is relative to C-sharp major scale, parallel to the A-sharp major scale which is enharmonic to B-flat … Read more

A-flat (Ab) minor scale on flute: natural, melodic, and harmonic scales with arpeggios notes

A-flat natural minor scale for flute-1

A-flat (Ab) minor scale on flute has its tonic on A-flat natural. It also has the pitches A-flat, B-flat, C-flat, D-flat, E-flat, F-flat, and G-flat. The key signature of this scale has seven flats. The A-flat minor scale is relative to C-flat major scale, parallel to the A-flat major scale, dominant to the E-flat minor … Read more

E-flat minor scale on flute: natural, melodic, and harmonic scales with arpeggios notes

E-flat natural minor scale for flute-1

E-flat minor scale on flute has its tonic on E-flat. It also has the pitches E-flat, F, G-flat, A-flat, B-flat, B, C-flat and D-flat. The key signature of this scale has six flats. The E-flat minor scale is relative to the G-flat major scale, parallel to the E-flat major scale, dominant to the B-flat minor … Read more

B-flat minor scale on flute: natural, melodic, and harmonic scales with arpeggios notes

B-flat natural minor scale for flute-1

B-flat minor scale on flute has its tonic on B-flat natural. It also has the pitches B-flat, C, D-flat, E-flat, F, G-flat, and G. The key signature of this scale has five flats, B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, D-flat, and G-flat. The B-flat minor scale is relative to D-flat major scale, parallel to the B-flat major scale, … Read more